Reverse recruiting

If you are looking for one #relevant professional change (not just access some interesting opportunities as one positive conjuncture), or if you no longer wish to waste your time and energy with recruiting processes, then you can turn to us.
We shall assess your new professional need and we shall only present you where you might be a match, so that your technical creativity shall get you the satisfaction you want.

Our mission

To make this world a better place! How is that possible? Well, let’s really put your technical creativity to good use!
Reverse recruitment Human Rise

Here is what Human Rise can do for you

  • You are looking for a change, yet you have no idea where to start from
  • You are no longer up to date with the trends on the relevant market / wages
  • You no longer wish to waste any more time with what becomes a positive conjuncture
  • You do not want interesting opportunities, instead you wish for strategic change
  • You want to get to those processes worthy of your time and energy
  • You wish for one real #relevant professional experience
  • Functions covered so far - tech roles, up to executive roles
Well now, please leave us one PM at

Our mission

To make this world a better place! How is that possible? Well, let’s really put your technical creativity to good use!